
北捷新莊線 明年3月通車到輔大 北捷擬免費試乘兩個月

北捷新莊線 明年3月通車到輔大  輔大到北市東區 交通省半小時  
省荷包 北捷擬免費試乘兩個月 中翻英【Powered by Google AJAX Language API】,翻譯內容僅供參考。
2011/9/1 台視新聞 周寧 報導

新北市的民眾有福了!捷運新莊線預計在明年三月開始通車,從輔大站到大橋頭等七站,將銜接到忠孝新生站 以後從輔大搭捷運到台北東區,比起搭公車可省下一半的時間,只要25分鐘就到了。
Taipei blessed new people! MRT village line is expected to start in March next year the opening of the bridge from the auxiliary to the top seven stations major stations will link to the new station after Zhongxiao from Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei MRT to East than to take the bus to save half of the time, as long as 25 minutes to go.

捷運局預計在十一月份完成測試,也考慮通車後,前兩個月讓民眾免費試乘。 中翻英【Powered by Google AJAX Language API】,翻譯內容僅供參考。
With the MRT construction of the new village along the line prices also followed bullish.
